Players name: Sameera Malimbada

Player Photo
Picture not Approved
Major Teams
The Wolf Pack
City Ranking World Ranking Points
Batting 987 987 142
Bowling 1881 1881 2
Wicket Keeping
Matches Innings Runs B/F Not Outs Sixes Fours Top Score 50's 100's Average Strike Rate Points
2 2 93 44 2 4 10 67 1 0 INF 211.36 142
Matches Innings Wickets Overs Runs Given Economy Points Catches Stumpings Keeping Points
2 2 0 5.0 44 8.8 2

Player History

Date Team Against Runs How Out Wickets
19 Oct 2013 The Wolf Pack Gorillas 26 NOT OUT 0
12 Oct 2013 The Wolf Pack Spartans United 67 NOT OUT 0
Wicket Keeping
Date Team Catches Stumping